Sunday, July 15, 2012

How to display or hide the blog widget

1.Only the Blog Home

<b:if cond="data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl"> ... </b:if>

This code serves to display widget on the main blog only the blog will be alias disappear when clicking label mate Post or read the whole post.

Examples of these codes you can use clay on the following blog demo. If my friend read the whole article or click the category of post, third item on the diSidebar will disappear.

2. Category of Post and Single Post

<b:if cond="data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl"> ... </b:if>

This code serves to display widget on the blog post and single post category (read the whole post).

Examples of the use of these codes you can see on this blog where the buddy click the category post or read posts as a whole, widget related article will appear. This widget will not appear on the blog main page.

3. Main Category halama Blog and Post

<b:if cond="data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;"> ... </b:if>

This code serves to display widget on the blog post and category of post play and will disappear when reading the whole post.

Examples of the use of these codes refer to the upper right sidebar, nothing is lost there when my friend read the post.

4. Single Post

<b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;"> ... </b:if>

This code serves to display widget only on a single blog post alone, or when you read posts as a whole and will not appear on a post or category of post play.

5. Main Category Page and Blog Post

<b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;">

Function code is the same as the function code of the number 3.

6. Print a Blog Widget Only In Specific Postings

<b:if cond="data:blog.url == &quot;URL_POST_ SPECIFIEC &quot;"> ... </b:if>

This code works to display a widget blog at a particular post.

7. Hiding Post Widget Only In Specific Postings

<b:if cond="data:blog.url != &quot;URL_POST_SPECIFIEC&quot;"> ... </b:if>

This code is the reverse of the widget code blog no 6 which will disappear from a particular post and new posts appear on the other.

How do I use it?

view plainprint?

<b:if cond="data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl">

- The content that you want to hide or show -


Maybe that's all I know about how to create a widget from the blog appears to be disappearing or disappeared and then appeared. For the application of the above code there are 2 ways directly on the widget and the group (perhaps in a later article). May be useful.

How to install Disqus comments in blogger

How to install Disqus comments in blogger
As the title above, in this post I will share about how to install the Disqus comment box on our blog. Disqus is a service to beautify the comment box, SEO in comments, etc. Earlier we have to have a Disqus account, 
If you do not already have a Disqus account you can register at the web address: After you finish to sign up, let's continue to put the comment box from Disqus.

Install disquss widget

The image above is step by step to instal Disqus comment box.
1.If you already login click tab "Admin"
2.Click "Setting". In setting tab you can set about your Disqus comment box. Example your admin photo, description your blog, and other.
3.Click tab "Instal"
4.Click Blogger Icon, if you use blog in blogger. The disqus widget support WordPress, Blogger,Tumblr, MovableType,  TypePad, Drupal, Joomla, Squarespace, Yola, DokuWiki, Sandvox,,and the universal code is a generic JavaScript snippet that can be implemented anywhere.

How to install Disqus comments in blogger

After you click on the icon next steps for installing blogger, click on step number three 'Add Site' YOUR_BLOG_NAME 'to Blogger ".

How to install Disqus comments in blogger

The last step choose your blog you will add the Disqus Comment Box, then give name for the the widget and Add Widget. Was completed the tutorial for installing Disqus Comment in Blogger. 

But if the comment box appears you have not set your settings to your blog comment.
Login your blogger account click the Settings tab => Posts and comments => Make Comment Location Embeded => and tick Anyone - includes Anonymous Users => Save Changes
How to install Disqus comments in blogger

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Simple way to get backlink from Google

How to get backlinks from google is very simple to put a web link on the google plus profile. Although just put a link on google profile we've got baclink from google and backlinks are highly qualified. How to get Google backlinks as follows:
-Go to your google profile.
-Then edit your profile click "Edit Profile"

Backlink from google
-Move to scroll down click "Other profiles" insert your URL by Add custom link. Give Label with your blog or web name nad URL with your blog or web URL. Need to remember to as public the click "Save"

Backlink from google profile
-Not yet completed for the above methods you still in your google profile and still editing, click on "Links" and same window with the Other profiles step you can follow it. Just add custom link and set as public then click save. So Google backlink will be obtained.

links from google


How to create a new pin in pinterest

If you already have an account Pinterest (If you did not have account enter : How to Register Pinterest Social Networkand you do not know how to make a new pin, in this post I will explain how to create a pin. In creating a pin you can directly upload the photos you have from the storage drive. But if you want to take photos directly from a website, you can enter the URL of the image to create a pin.

Here's a simple way to create a new pin :
- First, you must login  into your Pinterest account.
- If you are logged in, go to pinterest home page, click "Add +" at the top right corner of the page.
Create new pin ADD+
- Then window will appear like the picture below.
Upload Pin
-Functions of the three buttons that appear at the window are each different.
Add a Pin : Function to add the pin from the web address. Enter your image url and click "Find Images"
Add a pin pinterest
Once you click Find images the the image that is displayed in the URL and select aka Where will you make the pin. Do not forget to make the name of the pin board, as well as a description of the image. If you have click "Pin It". Completed, the pin was made ​​by inserting the image URL.

Upload a Pin : Function to add pin from your drive. This similar way when you want to upload a file to a web page. Click the "Upload a Pin" then select the image file you want to pin, and then select the name of the board to pin it, and do not forget to give a description for the pin that you upload.

Create a Board : Function to make a board to choosing your pin to pined. Once you click "Create a Board"
Create a board on pinterest
Give a name for your new board, and select a category. If you want to add someone to make a pin on your board, you can add a name on the "Add another Pinner". Finally click "Create Board"

Friday, July 13, 2012

Infolinks In-Text Advertising

Infolinks is a service provider  In-text advertising that was established in 2007, which allows owners of Web content or commonly called Web Publisher, for the benefit of in-text advertising in the form of advertising revenue without risk. Infolinks also provide a competitive revenue sharing to Web Publishers.

Infolinks can generate income for each publisher. how to register in infolinks ? these the way :
-Sign up with infolinks. Check out this link :
-Then Complete the form.

Infolinks In-Text Advertising

-You must fill correct your address , because your payment usually send to your address. If you using Western Union or Bank Wire.
-Completing and finish your account then go to add your website and set up your code.

Making share button with AddThis

Making share button with AddThis
Addthis is web purpose for easy make a share button to your blog or website. You can add the share button just sign up and choose style the share button, then you get the HTML code, and placing the code to your blog.

It is easy step for get the share button:
-Go to the AddThis homepage :
-Click "Get the code for your site!"
-Or you can immediately go to this Register Page :
-Fill data and completing your sign up.
-If you completed sign up, and already to get the code, click tab "Get the Code"
-Then choose your share button style, and COPY the code.

Making share button with AddThis
-After you copy the code , then placing code to your blog with Add a Gadget HTML/javascript then paste on the box, and click save.


How to register and install blog with google analytics

What is Google Analytics? Google Analitycs free service from Google that lets you create a web statistics that have been registered and installed tracking code. Google Analytics can track visitors who enter on the web, and what the visitor can be determined (limited number of open pages, how long the visit, advertising, search engine, Adsense, etc.).
By using google analytics one can make a report of its web, within weeks, months, or years. So, how for register your blog to google analytics? Can it be registered with Blogger Blog from google analytics?
Of course bloggers can, the following ways it :
-First step you must login to your google account.
-Then go to the Google Analytics account. If you not registered, please sign up first.
How to register and install blog with google analytics
-Then you will be to completing the blank fill with your information about you and your blog.
How to register and install blog with google analytics
Click Image to view larger
-If you complete fill the data, you must installing script to your blog. Copy the code.

-Move the scrol to down and see it the Tracking code. And COPY Tracking Code!
How to register and install blog with google analytics
-Then Open your Edit Html Blog:My BLogs>>Template>>Edit HTML.PASTE ! your tracking code like below. Or you can paste the tracking code below the tag <head> , or above the tag </head>

How to register and install blog with google analytics